Sunday, February 3, 2008

Why a Blog?

Hey ya'll! (Yeah, I'm adopting some of the southern lingo!)

As you probably know, I am in Atlanta, GA (technically Lawrenceville). I'm doing an internship with the International House of Prayer - a 24/7 prayer house. The internship is from January 5, 2008 - April 6, 2008. I sit in the prayer room and pray, receive God's love and love on Him in return, listen to His heart for me and others, intercede with Jesus for the things on His heart, study His word, etc. I also am taking a few classes out here - The Sermon on The Mount, The Life of Jesus, Thirst (an intern- only discussion based class), and Foundations (an intern-only class). Both of the intern-only classes are on a variety of topics. So far we've had Thirst classes on The Knowledge of God, Mary of Bethany, and Intimacy with God. We've had Foundations classes on The Father Heart of God, Meditating on scripture, Song of Soloman Overview, The Beauty Realm of God, and Enjoyable prayer. We also have helps ministry hours. Mine are split between children's ministry, front desk, and babysitting the kids of the director of my internship. We also have a church service with teaching and worship every sunday night. The people here are amazing - so in love with Jesus and so real! I love it!! God has been so good to me in this season. He even had it snow for me to see snow for the first time! :) I'm so thankful He led me here and I said yes to His invitation to come.

All of that said, I want to start this blog to share a bit of what God is teaching me and speaking to me. There is so much just in this past month, so I wanted to be able to share some of it with anyone who wants to read it. Also, it'll help me process main themes He's working on, etc.! I might post some of my homework assignments as well, if you want to read them... they are in response to what I'm learning. I also might post a few other things like pictures and just thoughts on life and my Zambia update. So it might be miscilanious...but search for what you want to read and I pray that it will encourage your heart to go deeper with the God who is so in love with you! Enjoy! And thanks for listening to my heart and thoughts expressed in whatever I write here!

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