Saturday, April 12, 2008

a few days with the Lord and the girls! :)

Hi Friends!,
Just thought I'd share the latest pictures with you. These are of Christina, Julie, and me at Julie's brother's place. Julie was dog-sitting for him and we came to keep her company and enjoy the Lord and each other. We spent a lot of time relaxing, we worshiped with the word (Matthew 6:33-34), went for walks around a neighborhood with open we explored! :), watched an AMAZING documentary called "Through Gates of Splendor" (all about Jim Eliot and four other martyrs and how their wives helped bring their killers and an entire tribe of Indians to Christ - it's the documentary behind the movie The End of The Spear. It's a MUST see documentary), and we drove through University of Georgia (specifically the club/bar area- accidentally!) and broke out in intercession for these people to know True Freedom! In our Flesh we describe "freedom" as doing what we want, but often our fleshly desires are more harmful than good. A child might find it freeing to run out in the middle of a busy road, but the parent knows just what will happen and says no. God does the same with us. He says no to all He knows will hurt us and is not the absolute best for us. He created life. Who are we to tell Him that we know best? There is such an arrogance and ignorance in believing we know best (i say this not as one pointing the finger, but as one who is guilty of thinking I know best). There is true Life and True Freedom in Him. It is such a lie that we trade in "fun" for "boring." His Life is ABUNDANT! No joke! Walking with Him is an adventure! He brings Freedom to the chains that we didn't even know we were walking in. So...that is what we were praying for as we drove through UGA. I just wanted to give background, in case you did not understand what I meant by "True Freedom" was a good time with the Lord and these beautiful sisters of mine!

Christina, Julie, and Me.

Christ-to the-Tina, Jules, and Me. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh! You're all such pretty girls!